16          USRA Championship Point System

16.1        Introduction

The USRA Championship Point System awards points to each USRA member/pilot that competes in any of the USRA Championship Series sanctioned races in a given racing season.  Racing events must be sanctioned by the USRA to be eligible to award USRA points.  Pilots may enter as many classes at a race as they desire, but only one primary aircraft per class. A pilot may choose to enter different aircraft at different events, and all points earned by these pilot / aircraft combinations will count towards a single total for the Championship. Backup aircraft (when entered as a backup) competing with the same race number in the same class are considered the same aircraft as the primary for points calculations.  It is the responsibility of the USRA to maintain an accurate record of the points accrued for each pilot/aircraft combination throughout the racing season (calendar year) and to publish point totals after each race so that pilots and their teams may determine their overall standings on a continuing basis.  The pilot/aircraft with the highest point total for a given racing class shall be named the USRA Class Champion for the racing season and is eligible to win any awards for that status.

16.2        USRA Championship Point System

16.2.1            The USRA Championship Point System awards points for finish position in a heat race conducted at any USRA sanctioned race.  Heat races are determined through the use of a USRA approved heat matrix computer program. The points for finish position in a heat race are awarded as follows:

First place               20 points                      Greater than 2 cuts              0 points

Second place          15 points                      Deadline penalty                 0 points

Third place              11 points                      Black flagged                     0 points

Fourth place            8 points                        Gross pylon cut                  0 points

Fifth place              6 points                        Gross start cut                    0 points

No show                 0 points                        Disqualified                        0 points

16.2.2            Race Event Criteria for Awarding of USRA Championship Series Points         The following criteria is mandatory in order for USRA Championship Series Points to be awarded to a given participating pilot/aircraft at a USRA sanctioned racing event:             The race event must be sanctioned by the Unlimited Scale Racing Association.             A minimum of five aircraft must be entered in a given class in order for that class to score full USRA Championship Series Points at that race.             In the event a race organizer elects to run a class with less than 5 entries but with a minimum 3 entries, points will be awarded as follows.

                        4 entries                                    3 entries

                        1st = 15 points                           1st = 11 points

                        2nd = 11 points                           2nd = 8 points

                        3rd = 8 points                             3rd = 6 points

                        4th = 6 points                                             A minimum of five (5) rounds of racing are completed in a given class in order for that class to score USRA Championship Series Points at that race. (Four founds of racing are permitted under certain conditions – see Incomplete Racing Events.)

16.2.3            Scoring         Scoring of a typical heat race at a USRA sanctioned racing event shall be based on the official time of each pilot/aircraft competitor as recorded by the timing equipment used by the Lap Counters/Timers at the race and/or the determination of the C.D.  Once a heat race is complete an official time is recorded for each pilot/aircraft competitor in the heat.  The official position is only determined by the official recorded time and/or the observation of the CD after any time penalties (based on pylon cuts or a start cut) are assessed. USRA Championship Series Points are awarded to each pilot/aircraft competitor based on their official finish position in the heat race.  When the racing event is complete, the finish position points from the best five rounds of racing are added to the season point total for that pilot/aircraft competitor.         At any given USRA sanctioned racing event, the awarding of USRA Championship Series Points shall be based on five rounds of racing (with regard to finish position) for each given pilot/aircraft competitor.  If five rounds of racing are completed (for a given class) at a racing event, then the points awarded to each pilot/aircraft competitor in that class for each of the five rounds of racing, based on official finish position, shall be added to each pilot/aircraft competitor’s season point total.  If more than five rounds of racing are completed, then only the points earned in the best five rounds (with regard to finish position of each pilot/aircraft competitor) shall be added to each pilot/aircraft competitor’s season point total.  If, due to weather or special circumstances (See Incomplete Racing Events) a USRA sanctioned racing event is unable to complete five rounds of racing for a given class, it is permissible to award USRA Championship Series Points based on a minimum of four (4) complete rounds of racing in a given class.  No less than four rounds of racing may be used in order to calculate or award USRA Championship Series Points.  If four (4) rounds of racing are used for scoring, the average points (based on official finish position) shall be calculated for each pilot/aircraft competitor in the class using the following formula:         Round 5 points = Average for Four Rounds = (Round 1 + Round 2 + Round 3 + Round 4) divided by 4.         The average points calculated for each pilot/aircraft competitor for four rounds of racing shall be assigned as the Round 5 points for each pilot/aircraft competitor.  The “calculated” Round 5 points shall then be added to the total of Rounds 1 through 4, thereby creating a five round total for each pilot/aircraft competitor.  The five round point total for each pilot/aircraft competitor shall then be added to each pilot/aircraft competitor’s season point total.         USRA Championship Points will not be awarded for Trophy Races.

16.2.4            Incomplete Racing Events         A USRA sanctioned racing event is deemed incomplete for a given class when five rounds of racing are not completed.  USRA Championship Series Points shall not be awarded to any pilot/aircraft competitor when a race is incomplete.  However, it is permissible to award USRA Championship Series Points if a minimum of four (4) rounds of racing are completed in a given class if any one of the following criteria are applicable:         Weather or forces of nature.         Race site/airport/field closure.         Special circumstances (as determined by a minimum of three (3) USRA officials).

16.2.5            Ties (Individual Race)         At any given individual race USRA Championship points are earned on the best five heats flown at that race.  However, advancement to the Trophy Races is based on the points scored for all rounds of racing flown at that event.  In the event of a tie between two or more pilot/aircraft competitors, advancement to the Trophy Races shall be determined, in order, by:             Best finish positions, i.e. number of 1st place finishes, number of 2nd place finishes, etc.             Fastest official heat time.

16.2.6            Ties (End of season USRA Championship Series Point Totals)         When all of the races of the USRA Championship Series are complete, the racing season is ended and the point totals for each pilot/aircraft competitor are totaled to determine the USRA Class Champion of each of the USRA Classes of racing.  If there is a tie between two or more competitors for the title of USRA Class Champion, the tie will be broken by a fly-off between those competitors and the fly-off finish position of each fly-off competitor shall determine each competitor’s USRA Championship Series finish position.  In no case shall the USRA Championship Series finish position of a fly-off competitor be any worse than if that competitor had placed last in the fly-off, irregardless of whether that competitor fails to launch or crashes in the fly-off.   When a fly-off is not possible, ties will be broken using the criteria outlined in section 15.2.7.

16.2.7            Ties for subsequent positions (other than USRA Class Champion) shall be broken, in order, by:         Best heat finish positions scored in the season, i.e. number of 1st place finishes, number of 2nd place finishes, etc.         Average time of all heats scored in the season for USRA Championship Series points (best five heats per race).

16.2.8            Class Eligibility for USRA Championship Status.         The following racing classes are currently eligible for USRA Championship status:             Biplane             Thompson Trophy             1/5th Scale AT-6             42% Formula 1 Pro             42% Formula 1 GT             Unlimited             Experimental         A class must have a minimum of 3 entries at 2 different events during a racing year in order for a USRA Championship to be awarded in that class.

16.2.9            USRA Championship Series Awards          USRA Class Champions will be determined by the pilot that has the most points in their respective class when:             All races of the USRA Championship Series are complete and the season has ended.             All required fly-off heats are complete.             All applicable and/or cut penalties are applied.             All post-race technical inspections are complete.             All tiebreaker calculations are complete.             All protests that would affect the outcome are resolved.